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Changes in Details Contained in a Questionnaire of a Registered Person

If any changes are made to details contained in a questionnaire, the Registrar must be presented with:

For legal entities:
  • A questionnaire of a registered person containing changed details.
  • Documents certifying changes; Copies of documents certifying changes to details contained in a questionnaire must be duly authenticated.
  • If any changes are made to details on a person authorized to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity, a relevant document must be submitted to the Registrar, for example:
    • the original of an extract from the trade register or another register of a state in which a foreign legal entity is registered, or a duly certified copy thereof;
    • a copy of the document certifying the election or appointment of a person authorized to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney, or a duly authenticated extract therefrom.
  • A data form;
  • A record confirming the payment of the Registrar's services.
Please Note!
  • If documents are submitted by an authorized representative or by mail, a notarized copy of an ID document of a person authorized to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney must be provided.
  • This procedure for changing details contained in a questionnaire will apply to a managing entity to which the authority of a sole executive body has been delegated.
For individuals:
  • A questionnaire of a registered person containing changed details.
  • Documents certifying changes; Copies of documents certifying changes to details contained in a questionnaire must be duly authenticated.
  • If an ID document of an individual is replaced, the Registrar must be provided with a certificate issued by an authority making such replacement or a copy of a new ID document containing a reference to the previous one. In this case, the aforesaid copy must be duly certified.
  • A data form;
  • A record confirming the payment of the Registrar's services.
Please Note!

If documents are submitted by an authorized representative or by mail, a notarized copy of an ID document of a person for whom a customer account is opened must be provided.